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The farewell has come, our journey ends've earned your wings my angel boy a million times during your lifetime. My heart has broken into pieces, and you have a piece of it to accompany you on the journey ahead of you. I loved you best, to the Moon and back....and I continue loving you...until we meet again.... <3


Tanmark's Arctic Ice Fighter



08.06.2017. Állati photoshooting

No words needed, pics tell everything about the road we share for 10 years...please, dream with me my love for  many more years <3

13-16.02.2017. FEHOVA Winter Dog Show, Budapest

Vito, the former Veteran Champion and Veteran Club Star finished his show carrier with a very good title on the FEHOVA WinterDogShow in Budapest. According to the judge a 10,5 years old 32 kg australian shepherd male, who has several work exams behind him cannot have a flattened forepaw, and his previously correct complete dentition cannot move to a level bite (forming a lovely veteran smile) after years of bite work training.

Because of the lovely day and company we were not that dissapointed we shoud be :)

Many thanks Ivett for the nice pics, which confirm that his elegance still exists at the age of 10,5 years.

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